
What is shockwave therapy for ED?

What is shockwave therapy?

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive method that uses low-intensity shockwaves, a type of shockwaves, to treat erectile dysfunction. These shockwaves are applied directly to the skin and stimulate neoangiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels) and endothelial production of nitric oxide. This increases blood flow and restores the ability to achieve an erection.


The treatment is proven, scientifically supported, and significantly enhances patients' quality of life compared to other methods.


How does the treatment work?

The treatment is typically quick and simple. During a session, shockwaves are applied directly to the skin. It may feel like a mild tingling or prickling sensation, but it is usually not painful. A typical treatment session usually takes only about 15–20 minutes, and typically 8-12 treatments are required to achieve optimal results.


Who can benefit from shockwave therapy?

Shockwave therapy is aimed at patients who have already tried medication with PDE 5 inhibitors (Sildenafil, Tadalafil). It can be an effective alternative for men suffering from erectile dysfunction, regardless of age.


Brief overview of the technology and its history

Shockwave therapy has its roots in medical research and was first used to treat kidney stones in the 1980s. Later, its potential to treat musculoskeletal problems and even improve wound healing was discovered. Since 2010, shockwave therapy has been successfully applied to treat erectile dysfunction.


How is it used today?

Today, shockwave therapy is used in clinics worldwide to help men regain their sexual health and confidence. It has become a popular alternative to traditional treatments such as medication or injections, both for those who respond well to medication but prefer to avoid using medication before each sexual encounter and for those who do not respond well to medication. It is only now that the technology is being launched in Sweden.


Differences from other treatments

One of the main advantages of shockwave therapy is its minimal side effects and non-invasive nature. Unlike medications or injections, shockwave therapy does not require taking any medications or injecting any substances into the body. Additionally, shockwave therapy has been shown to be effective for many men who have not had success with other medical treatment options.


Many men, especially patients under 40 years old, have reported a strong psychological impact to a greater extent. A disadvantage of existing treatment methods such as injections, pumps, and medications is that they must be taken in conjunction with sexual activity. Shockwave therapy is performed in the clinic and the effect lasts long after. For that reason, it is the most discreet treatment. Patients are not forced to reveal their condition during sexual activity but can decide for themselves if and when it occurs.


A safe and effective alternative

In summary, shockwave therapy offers a safe, effective, and discreet method for treating erectile dysfunction. By stimulating natural processes in the body in the clinic, shockwave therapy can help men regain their sexual health and confidence in a comfortable and safe manner.

Illustration som visar när stötvågsbehandlingen appliceras på en penis


Further reading

52% of all men experience impotence at some point

Approximately 255,000 men have problems with erectile dysfunction (ED) in Sweden. It's not only common, it's also easy to treat.


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